Saturday, April 18, 2015

Python and Github

I am a huge fan of CodeNewbie blog, podcast, twitter chats, and slack channel. I am not sure what sort of superhero juice Saron (the founder and content creator) drinks every morning before starting her day but sign me up!

I have done a couple of Code Club sessions, on Swift (when I thought I could just go learn how to build an app, no big deal), and recently a tutorial on Github with the awesome JimmyLoCoding. All of these resources I found on Twitter when I decided to dive head first, and unaware, into the wild world of coding. I usually feel like of all the Codenewbies, I am the MOST newbie of them all - even after an earnest 6 months of learning on my own. They never, ever make me feel that way, though.

To date I have dabbled in Code School, Code Academy, Treehouse, GDI-SF meetups and classes, Women Who Code meetups, and about every youtube video I can find. I needed to start culling my resources and focus. Bright shiny objects still distract me every once in a while (will I ever learn Javascript? "Ask again later" says the magic eight ball.)

Now that I have been accepted into Hackbright, I have switched over to Python and -voila- the fine people at CodeNewbie slack channel and Saron had generated a discount code for the Real Python course as well as a Code Club / Study Group. Looking forward to learning with real live people.

So, I will be focusing all my efforts on two things: Python and Github. May the force be with me, for real, y'all, because Github makes my brain hurt.

Friday, April 10, 2015

Been a while

I figure I need to get moving on this blog thing. I met some great people at GDI SF, have attended more meetups - one over at GitHub..woah, nice digs - and have been officially accepted into Hackbright! It's hard to defer Hackbright to fall, but I have a lot of ground to cover between now and then, not the least of which is to finish out my current work contract. I'll need to squirrel away as much money as I can to pay for tuition!

I was supposed to be a few weeks in to Code Union: Web Fundamentals course at this point. I had interviewed, been accepted, started on pre-work, paid tuition in full and they emailed me a mere 4 days before the start that they just decided not to do that course at this time. Not cool, Code Union. While I was really disappointed, I can evenly say that it's probably for the best. I will keep on learning on my own, while working to pay the bills, be a mom, and then when the time is right, hope to jump fully into Hackbright.

As it turns out, the latest demo day for Hackbright was held at the same place where my husband works. Unfortunately, we were out of town for spring break, and I missed it. Can't wait to see what the spring cohort comes up with for projects - hopefully I can make that demo day.

On my plate this month: Learn Python the Hard Way, Python for Kids and a little more work on Git/GitHub.

Code on, coders!

Sunday, February 8, 2015

Here we go...

Hi everyone - This is my first blog post about my journey to learn code. I spent the weekend at a GirlDevelopIt SF workshop, at Mozilla HQ (hence the mascot). It was my first GDI meetup - I had been waiting for something that was categorized as "Beginner" and I jumped at the chance. As it turns out. my months of studying mostly on my own has produced some results as I was able to manage the class well, while still learning more on CSS. It was also my first experience with pair programming, which was fun. I now have a better idea of what to expect on how to work through code with someone. To date it has been me working through code the nice online and book tutorials tell me to do. Time to move on to Javascript, et al. If that cute Mozilla mascot had fingers, I would ask it to cross them for me. Onward!